October's Highlight - Cinnamon \(^O^)/
Heiii... (^o^)
The october is coming!!
I really look forward, since many things will happen in this months...
First, I will move into new place. Hehehhe *jigjig* I'm still preparing though... Not really excited to pack my things, but well no pain no gain... Hahhaha
Second, my church will held a bootcamp for leadership. This is my second time join it, for new level though. Fuhh... Pray for new understanding and reborn ;D
And third, this month I will talk about "cinnamon". I found and realized that this herb is not only amazing for cooking, but for beauty too.
For years, cinnamon was known as "wonder food" in various culture for its benefit in health and flavour.
Why cinnamon?? Because since forever, I live in the one of the beautiful tropic country called Indonesia. It is really easy to find cinnamon. The cinnamon itself was cheap and fresh. I am challenged to elevate this simple herb into something that useful for beauty and easy to do even in the busy lifestyle. So here, I presented my first diy recipe... Enjoy!!
#cinnamon - contains various mineral, vitamins, and antioxidant. Cinnamon helps stimulate blood vessels and bring blood to the surface of your head skin, makes hair growth healthy. The cinnamon has antiseptic ingredients and using it on the hair seems to increase collagen level for up to six hours after it applied.
#honey - contais numerous types of sugars, acids, vitamins, minerals, and protein. Long list, girls... It possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties. Great for treat dandruff. Anti aging agent prevents the white hair and hair loss.
#olive oil - contains viramin A and vitamin E that help repair and renew hair condition that has been damaged from exposure to sun, air pollution, and others - like cigarette smoke and fast food. Clearly fit for active women who live in tropic city.
#hair conditioner - I'm using that focus on dry hair treatment, since my hair really dry and easy to have split end. This hair conditioner really fit another natural ingredients. It is makes my hair smoother and prevent any hair damage because of hair tools or sun.
P.S.: I used it about once a week and suits for super dry hair ( ^ω^ )
Feel free to leave any comment below... I'll love to hear more from you all... Ciaoo... ^O^
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